As you can tell I have a few projects up my sleeve that Ive been working on in various stages. In this round, the pictures got all mixed up so make sure you check [link] for additional info. For now Ill tell you about the ring. Why wear a band around your finger when you can display gems coming from the skin itself? The dangers are apparent. For instance, I no longer use my left pocket to carry anything - because reaching in meant catching something on the fabric, but this brave dive into the possibilities of implants is both happy and sad.
I guess Ill start simply; Today was an annoying day for me. Ive been moving and carrying crates and boxes for weeks and I picked the perfect place to do a piercing project: my ring finger.
It started out with one simple skin diver. One punch, squeezed it in, and in five minutes I had a red gem skin diver in my finger. (Just a side comment, but its rather and odd sensation to be using biopsy punches and forceps on your own finger.)
That gem spurred the addition of two more skin divers, some crzy webbing piercings, and even a dermal anchor implant. At its glory, my ring finger had a center anchor that usually bore a red stone, with three gemstone divers and two 14 gauge studs in my webbing. The three skin divers made a diamond around it, giving an overall appearance that I really liked. Unfortunately I am moving and bad things happen; a skin diver got caught on a crate and ripped out of its hole. I didn't lose the implant, and Ill spare you the gory parts, but the two sides had to go.
However, I do now have an anchor right at the base of my ring finger. I only have a few things to screw into it right now but Im sure Ill find the perfect topper for it. Id have to say that the anchor implant went well and is healing very nicely, and the placement is great. Thats the main thing gained here. Its pretty apparent to me now...
Skin divers suck. I do still have one diver in my finger, but the other two that I removed never sat right, and never healed right, The bases are too easy to pull out and the slightly pointed end isnt very comfortable against bone.
The anchor is great. Its healing faster than expected; doesnt hurt anymore and has already started to have the holes grown into. The base doesnt freely rotate anymore, it healed into the skin. I cant wait for it to finish, and all the different tops Im going to try on my new ring.
For the pictures, I had already ripped the skin diver out, so I tried to wedge it in for a few quick photos, then I took them out. Overall Ive gotten a positive reaction from the public about it, and I love it. A few photos never does artwork justice, this implant is awesome.